One Year as Developer Lead


Almost a year ago, I started to perform developer lead responsibilities at Cornell DTI. My first major task was to grade part of developers at the end of the spring 2019 semester. A few days ago, I just finished grading all developers for their performance in the spring 2020 semester, wrapping up almost a year of work.

I came into the position thinking that developer lead has the easiest issues to deal with. I still believe this statement is true for me. However, I didn't realize that the easiest issues are still issues of a complex system full of Byzantine faults. Easy DevOps issues become exponentially harder to deal with when there is a people factor. Just like software engineering, sometimes it's all about compromises.

Therefore, I decided to write this blog post as both a reflection for myself and as documentation for future leads.

The grand plan

On August 16, 2019, I finished my 12-week internship at Facebook. In the same month, our sibling team published a paper on ACM that discusses how Facebook applies advanced static analysis at scale. The result is mind-blowing and I started to think about whether I can apply even a subset of these techniques to my side projects. Luckily, towards the end of the internship, I began to touch more CI related code, and learned a lot of best practices on CI/CD on a monorepo scale.

The newly-gained experience has led to a complete refactoring of my website repo. It became an automation-powered monorepo at the end of August. Then I started to turn my focus onto the cornell-dti GitHub organization, which I belong and had to manage it soon. I want developers at DTI to move fast on a stable infrastructure.

Phase 1: Fall 2019

An initial scan of all the repositories produced some quite disappointing results. Out of the 6 active projects at that time, only 2 projects enabled branch protection. Linter configurations have been setup a year ago, but a quick experiment showed that almost no one respected these linter warnings and errors. Continuous integration and deployment was only enabled on one project, which I was its TPM in spring 2019.

If all the repositories in cornell-dti are my side projects, I would just self-impose a new feature freeze and cleanup the code first. As a TA who witnessed projects with messy code ending up getting very bad grades on correctness, I had a strong dislike of bad code. Yet, a large scale code cleanup that blocks all feature development was simply impossible: it would cause a tremendous amount of friction both on the development side and the people side.

Therefore, a gradual improvement plan is formed. The initiative was announced at the first TPM meeting. During the first few weeks, all I did was to enable branch protection to prohibit pushing to master directly. It doesn't even have to pass CI or even include CI tests yet. Luckily, changes in this stage don't cause any pushbacks, and I went on to the next stage: re-introducing linters.

Making subteam properly configures their linters was initially a task I assigned to every TPM. Sadly, nothing really changed in a week, since it's the time of recruitment and semester planning. To prevent this task from never getting done, I decided to hack them together by myself. Let there be CI checks. Then at week 3, we have CI checks for all active projects.

I anticipated that the planned change of making code review required for merging in pull request will cause a big pushback, so I decided to provide a good infrastructure first. To be fair, responsibly review each other's code with GitHub alone is not a pleasant experience. Of course, you need to read the diff to catch some implementation strategy issue, but it's also important to check that the implementation actually works. In the context of DTI, this means stopping your work, checkout to another branch, and potentially nuking node_modules and reinstalling it. In OS terminologies, it's a big context switch. Still, code review is important. If linters and type checkers can catch all problems, then halting problem will become decidable.

The problems listed above already imply a technical solution: making code review less painful. More specifically, making play-testing our apps less painful. Luckily, the problem is already half-solved. Our apps are mostly deployed on Heroku or Firebase. Heroku already provided a feature called review apps, which can provide a sandboxed execution environment for each pull request. Taking the inspiration, I prototyped a similar solution based on GitHub pages deployment separated by folders, for Firebase web apps that do not support review app infrastructure. After this new automation, required code review finally became a tractable problem. At week 4, my envisioned strict development workflow was eventually adopted by all active projects:

Required passing CI checks, required reviews for every pull request. Merge every pull request with confidence.

This was still not my complete plan, since it only solved the problem of code quality on a surface level. However, this alone deserved some celebration, so I decided to document this change and use it to fulfill my technical communication requirement at Cornell. You can see my written (LaTeX) report .

A superficial victory was achieved within the first month of the fall 2019 semester. However, it took an entire semester to consolidate it. Although code review is required, there is no way to automatically tell whether an approving review is a result of deliberation, a simple showcase of friendship, or even worse, a manifestation of a rushed release.

To automatically and completely solve the problem of careless review, we have to up the required number of reviews to 3. Such a requirement is only enforced on release branch merges. The sad reality is that most of the developers don't review each others code, and the job has completely fallen onto TPMs, and sometimes even onto developer leads. It is possible to make code review part of grading rubrics so that developers are forced to do them. However, I think it's unfair to suddenly change grading rubrics when the semester is already halfway through.

So here comes the recurring theme in this blog post:

Software engineering is all about compromises.

I first heard about this sentence from my mentor during my Facebook internship. Now I started to live with it, and was about to make more compromises next semester.

Phase 2: Spring 2020

I performed an analysis over all pull requests made in fall 2019 in the winter break, and found two major issues:

  1. A lot of pull requests are ignored for a long time;
  2. A lot of pull requests are too big to effectively review.

I tried to solve problem 1 via the newly released GitHub's scheduled reminder feature, which can post slack notification about unreviewed PRs in a specified time interval. After some pushbacks, the reminder interval has been reduced from every day to every Tuesday and Friday.

After a discussion with the other two developer leads Laura and Jagger, we settled on a somewhat risky approach: strictly ban extremely large pull requests, and setup bi-weekly developer portfolio to strongly encourage developers to produce smaller pull requests.

To automatically enforce smaller diffs, I created a bot that can compute the number of significant lines from a GitHub pull request. It goes beyond excluding something like yarn.lock. It can also detect moved lines! If you are interested, you can check the project here.

The rollout of the change was half good and half a disaster. I initially announced it in the first biweekly DevSesh, and posted an @channel message in our #dev channel. Clearly, I had made the mistake of assuming all information can get through, completely ignoring the number one question I learned from distributed computing: what if some processes fail.

It turns out that the distributed system has crash failures and omission failures. Crash failure refers to the cases when some developers just missed the first DevSesh, and we never relayed the announcement again. Omission failure occured when our announcement was lost in a sea of other announcements. In April, I did an O(n) scan of all submitted portfolios, and found that half of the developers didn't satisfy the minimum requirement yet. As a result, we had to extend deadlines, offer clarifications, and reach out to individual developers who seem to need help.

The final result was not completely satisfactory. Although most of our pull request changes are under 500 lines of code, it is still far from industry's best practices to strive for diffs that are less than 200 LOCs.

Beyond DevOps and code quality

I was selected as a developer lead with a focus on DevOps, so my primary attention was on our infrastructure and code quality. Nevertheless, I still did quite a lot of development within DTI, excluding the ones related to CI:

  • I helped Flux with their conversion from Java to Kotlin, and made the code more idiomatic Kotlin.
  • I helped Samwise with data layer refactoring that greatly improved pattern-matching developer experience.
  • I helped Queue Me In with Firebase migration and they eventually shipped the version that contains a lot of my diffs.
  • I helped CoursePlan to rewrite their requirement computation algorithm to avoid an O(n) client-side fetch of Cornell's course API.
  • I helped CU Reviews with their migration away from Meteor.

I also taught some optional DevSeshes on the topics I'm really passionate about:

Received feedbacks and final thoughts

Near the end of the 2019-2020 academic year, we sent out a developer survey and leads review form. I am glad to see that our developers liked the strictified setup and we completed the first step to transform our development from a do-whatever-I-like style to a workflow that follows established industry standards.

I did get some feedback on the grading rubrics and my obsession with good code. The content above served as my justification, but I still strongly believe that these are valid concerns.

When I started the initiative of code quality improvement 8 months ago, I set a little goal for myself:

By the time my term ends, the code quality should be good enough that I can comfortably work on every subteam (with the same level of obsession of good code).

Now I declare this goal to be 95% achieved. We are finally in a place to move fast without breaking things. I'm proud that my work in the past year has unlocked several previously unimaginable possibilities:

  • Required TypeScript setup for new projects
  • Required frequent peer code review for each developer
  • Crowdsourcing DevSesh topics
  • etc

Now it's the time for others to inherit the legacy and build new things on top of it. I will happily step back and become a developer again, enjoying the infrastructure that I built.