Making samlang Run in Browsers



samlang is my favorite and most sophisticated side project. It is a functional programming language with an optimizing compiler that targets the X86 instruction set and a language server that can provide type query and autocompletion.

The compiler and the language server was written in Kotlin and compiled to JVM bytecode. It's worth noting that Kotlin has multiplatform support and can compile any Kotlin code into JVM bytecode and JavaScript with a single codebase. Therefore, it's theoretically possible to create a samlang build that can run in browsers.

The reality is always harsher than the theory. It takes a significant effort of refactoring to make this happen. In this blog post, I will explain these efforts and some of the tricky design decisions I made along the way.

The screenshot below shows you the result of the hard work:

new samlang demo website

The project rationale

Almost 1.5 years ago, I cut the first open-source release of samlang. At that time, only the type checker and the interpreter have been implemented. There was no CLI support. However, I want to showcase this project, and the most natural way is to create a demo and expose it in the form of a demo server.

In March 2019, the demo server and website was finally live. The backend was running in a Docker container with JVM 11 hosted on Google Cloud Run. I was able to run this setup free of charge and it worked pretty well, except for the cold start problem. The architecture can be easily explained by the following figure:

demo server architecture

Unfortunately, the fancy JIT compiler and JVM bytecode portability result in a significantly slower startup time compared to other languages like Go. To run the backend instance free of charge, I have to accept the fact that Google Cloud will shut down the server when no one is using it. Therefore, it will cause a cold startup time around 5 seconds for the first request. To be fair, this is much better than the App Engine Java runtime's cold startup time around 10s. However, this is still far from ideal.

This setup also has a security problem. The demo functionality includes an interpreter. Since samlang is a Turing complete language, it means that it is possible to send a non-terminating program to the demo server to eat up all my cloud resources and my money.

There is only one way to prevent all these problems: make samlang run in browsers. There will be no more cold start, and the people who submit non-terminating programs will eat up their own resources instead.

A rough introduction to Kotlin multiplatform

Kotlin multiplatform allows you to compile a single codebase into JVM bytecode, JavaScript and native code backed by LLVM toolchain. In case when platform-specific code is necessary, it gives you the escape hatch of expect/actual declaration. For JVM platform, you can import JVM classes. For JavaScript, you can require npm packages and create external declaration bindings.

The above description sounds like the same heaven envisioned by Flutter. However, it shares the same problem with Flutter: when it's impossible to write platform-independent code, everything becomes extremely painful.

Here begins the Herculean effort of refactoring.

Stage 1: Reduce the amount of platform-dependent code

To be clear, it is impossible to eliminate all platform-dependent code. On the desktop, the compiler needs to read source files and write compiled code into hard drive. On the web, we all know that you can't read and write files.

Fortunately, the demo functionality does not need to depend on file operations: all it does is to take some string (source code), and gives back a bunch of strings (interpreter result, compiled code, etc). The functionality needed for demo can be implemented portably as a set of pure functions. Therefore, all we need is to refactor the parts necessary for demo into a set of platform-independent pure functions.

A quick scan of the codebase shows that the raw number of platform-dependent code is very small. Most of them falls into three categories: use of JVM's TreeMap/TreeSet, use of JVM's ArrayDeque, and the generated Java parser. TreeMap and TreeSet are easy to eliminate. They were there to help debugging since they guarantee a human-understandable order for numbers and strings. I replaced them with HashMap and HashSet and all the tests still pass.

Fortunately, Kotlin recently introduced its platform-independent implementation of ArrayDeque into its standard library. It's still experimental, so I have to annotate a lot of classes that use it with @ExperimentalStdlibApi. It's slightly ugly to introduce a lot of these annotations, but the end results make the ugliness more justifiable.

The real problem lies in the parser code. It's very difficult to write correct parsers by hand, but it's very easy to write correct parser specifications by hand and let them program generates a good parser. Therefore, samlang uses antlr4 to generate parser code. The official battle-tested ANTLR4 cannot generate Kotlin code directly. Nevertheless, it can generate Java code and we can take advantage of Kotlin's perfect interop with Java to avoid compilation problems. Now we want platform-independent code, so this is no longer an option. (There does exist a project that accepts ANTL4 grammar specification and claims to support Kotlin multiplatform. However, I did a quick test and found its very broken.)

Tackling the parser problem in one shot is almost impossible. Therefore, I decided to use the escape hatch.

In the common code, we write the expect declaration

expect fun buildModuleFromText(
  moduleReference: ModuleReference,
  text: String
): Pair<Module, List<CompileTimeError>>

For JVM, we can write an actual implementation that calls the old JVM specific parser code. For JavaScript, we temporarily give up:

actual fun buildModuleFromText(
  moduleReference: ModuleReference,
  text: String
): Pair<Module, List<CompileTimeError>> {
  throw Error("GIVE UP")

This allows the conversion of the multiplatform effort to proceed without the JS parser. Converting it to multiplatform setup takes a while. In the process, I found that documentation to be sometimes disappointingly unclear and it takes a lot of trial-and-error to make things compile again. I also fixed a bunch of leftover platform-dependent code alone the way. The tests have to be disabled for the JavaScript target since an actual parser is missing.

The effort above brings us to this snapshot of the project, where a compiling multiplatform setup is finally done. All demo required code is already written in multiplatform style except the parser. Now the project has this crazy dependency graph:

samlang dependency graph

Now I need to fight the parser.

Stage 2: Fight the parser

Stage 2 Act 1: Choose a parser solution

At this point, there are several potential solutions to the parser problem:

  1. Fork the broken Kotlin ANTLR4 parser generator and make it work;
  2. Write the parser by hand in platform-independent Kotlin code;
  3. Hand convert the generated Java parser code into platform-independent Kotlin code;
  4. Generate JS parser code with ANTLR4, and hook it into Kotlin multiplatform JS build;
  5. Generate TS parser code with community-made ANTLR4 generator.

In terms of engineering effort, option 1 is close to impossible. Even if I managed to do it this time, making sure it is in sync with the latest ANTLR4 release is a future burden that I don't want to take. Similarly, option 2 is also not considered seriously, since hand-written parser is very difficult to reason and maintain.

You might think option 3 is a good solution, since parser code doesn't change a lot and there is a relatively good Java to Kotlin compiler from JetBrains. In fact, option 3 is a non-solution. The generated Java parser code depends on a runtime, which is written in Java. Therefore, I have to rewrite the runtime into Kotlin as well, which introduces the same old long-term maintenance problem.

Now we are left with two options that require some Kotlin/JS interop. Option 4 has the advantage that it is officially maintained by the ANTLR4 team, so it's very unlikely that it will generate bad parser code. On the flip side, it doesn't have TypeScript support at all, so I had to work with completely untyped code. Option 5 provides a strong typing support, but it has the same danger of the broken Kotlin parser generator.

I eventually picked option 5 since I believe in the quality of the community-powered project: antlr4ts. The belief doesn't come from nowhere. Two months ago, I used it to create dti-lang for DevSesh, and it is both battle-tested by myself and students in the DevSesh.

Stage 2 Act 2: Choose an interop solution

Unfortunately, we are not quite there to jump to the implementation yet. The Kotlin/JS interop is not as seamless as Kotlin's interop with JVM. After all, Kotlin/JS was introduced 4 years after Kotlin's initial inception, and interop with JavaScript was clearly an afterthought. Therefore, you can't really expect to write some JS/TS code, push a button, and let Kotlin figure out the rest for you. Instead, you need to engineer the interop path for yourself.

The majority of the difficulty is a result of the fundamental difference of type system and module system between these languages.

Kotlin was initially designed to be a JVM language. Therefore, its type system is very similar to Java's type system, where you have nominal typing and strict static typing. TypeScript, on the other hand, was built to statically understand various patterns of JavaScript. Therefore, it has fancy union types, conditional types, and a lot of other stuff that Kotlin simply cannot support. As a result, although there is a tool that can convert TypeScript d.ts declaration into Kotlin external declaration for Kotlin/JS to consume, it cannot guarantee a 100% faithful translation of type constraints. For example, a string literal union type like

type UnaryOperator = "!" | "-";

will be transformed to String in Kotlin, since Kotlin doesn't support union type. Another common TypeScript pattern is discriminated union:

type List<T> =
  | { readonly type: "nil" }
  | { readonly type: "cons"; readonly element: T; readonly next: List<T> };

Kotlin cannot support this so the generated Kotlin type will simply be Any.

These limitations imply that we cannot write the TypeScript code like we normally did. Instead, we should write TypeScript in a "Kotlin way", so that the types can be properly picked up by the type declaration transformer.

The above problem is only half of the story. The second half is the fight with the build system. You might expect that you can mix Kotlin and JavaScript code, just like you can mix JS with TS code. That's a bad assumption. For some unknown reason, Kotlin's Gradle plugin doesn't let you depend on arbitrary JavaScript code. The only way you can depend on JavaScript code is by declaring them as NPM dependency in build.gradle. (Yes, in Gradle, not even in package.json.)

Fine, at least now we know what to do:

  1. Generate parser by antlr4ts;
  2. Carefully write TypeScript code in Kotlin fashion;
  3. Publish the TS code to NPM;
  4. Declare the NPM package as a dependency, test it.
  5. If things go wrong, go back to 1 and start over.

Stage 2 Act 3: Hooking the parser code together

There is one final twist. The parser doesn't just parse. We want the parser to produce something useful, namely the AST. Therefore, we have to make a hard choice again:

  1. Make the TypeScript parser depends on the AST module written in Kotlin;
  2. Create a different AST in the TypeScript code, and transfor that into Kotlin AST in adapter.

You might think choice 1 might be easier. However, it means that we have to publish or copy the generated JS code for AST package, which introduces another dependency publishing hell. Therefore, I chose option 2. It needs slightly more code, but those additional code is easy to reason: you just need to write a bunch of boring visitor code that transform the AST in an uninteresting way.

The flow can be explained by the following figure:

parser flow

Now the parser code is finally working, and it's time to remove the GIVE UP error and replace that with code that connects to the TS code:

// The TS code imported here
import buildTsModuleFromText

actual fun buildModuleFromText(
  moduleReference: ModuleReference,
  text: String
): Pair<Module, List<CompileTimeError>> =
  try {
    val tsModule = buildTsModuleFromText(text)
    transformModule(tsModule = tsModule) to emptyList()
  } catch (error: Throwable) {
    // reconstruct error ...

Stage 3: Create an NPM package build

At this stage, we already have a fully-functional multiplatform build of samlang that can run on JVM and JS platform. However, the JS one still needs some work. The compiled JS code is in a form of 10 different packages that depend on each other. If we do it in a naive way, we have to publish all 10 of them and create another dependency hell for us.

Kotlin/JS provides webpack integration that can assemble everything, including dependencies, into a single file. This is exactly the solution I need. However, it takes me many hours to figure out why the build doesn't contain the function I exported.

The reason is that Kotlin compiler for JS performs some automatic DCE (dead code elimination). This is a very simple optimization in principle. Imagine you have some code like this:

const a = () => console.log("haha");
const b = () => console.log("ahah");
const c = () => b();
export const main = () => a();

A compiler can first safely delete the function c since it is not used by any other function. After that, it can throw away function b, since nobody calls b after c is gone. However, a naive implementation might end up throw away everything. Notice that there is also nothing calling main. Therefore, main will be thrown away and then everything will be gone eventually!

Kotlin compiler isn't that dumb. It has a special case that says don't throw away the main function. However, its wisdom stops there. Instead of keeping all public functions in Kotlin, it throws them away completely, unless you configure it in Gradle. This configuration mystery takes me hours to debug!

Then a 1.1MB samlang-demo.js is generated, which exports runDemo function inside the samlang.demo namespace. This implies a final push that provides a nicer experience to end-users:

// Re-export the function in a nicer way.
module.exports = require("./samlang-demo").samlang.demo.runDemo;
type DemoResult = {
  readonly interpreterResult: string | null;
  readonly interpreterPrinted: string | null;
  readonly prettyPrintedProgram: string | null;
  readonly assemblyString: string | null;
  readonly errors: readonly string[];

 * @param programString source code of a samlang program.
 * @returns result of running demo operation on it. See the type definition of `DemoResult`.
declare const runDemo: (programString: string) => DemoResult;
export = runDemo;

Final Result

new samlang demo website