CoursePlan: A Unique Design & Tech Initiative



CoursePlan is one of the projects of Cornell DTI, the project team I was in for most of my college life. CoursePlan allows you to put in your courses at Cornell, and it will automatically compute your requirement fulfillment progress.

A natural question you might want to ask is: how? As you would expect, requirement checking is not an easy problem. There is no centralized platform to check requirements at the university level, so we have the project. Some departments have their own checklist, but most of them cannot be automated and must be manually filled by academic advisors.

As the main architect that comes up with the algorithm and the user flow, I would say it's a difficult but rewarding journey.

Taming the Complexity

The Initial Design

The following promotion image from the DTI website shows the first iteration of the product:

First Iteration

It mostly has everything you would expect: you can put in your courses, and we tell you the requirements you satisfy. Simple and intuitive, right? In spring 2020, it was the consensus of the team members that we finally have a prototype ready for launch. Therefore, they reached out to developer leads to help resolve some of their launch-blocking problems. The developer lead they reached out was me, and I did find out a lot of issues with their requirement checking algorithm.

To start simple, let's imagine how you would design such a system. You might remember that you have to take certain courses for certain requirements. For example, CS 1110 for the intro to computing requirement. Some requirements allow wildcards, like any 2000 level classes. Combining all of this, you might come up with such json structure to encode the requirement:

  "name": "English",
  "courses": ["ENG 19**", "ENG 1234", "ENG 2***"]

This is nice, until at some point you encounter a requirement that you are unwilling to list all eligible courses. Such requirements do exist and are very common. The most prominent example is the liberal studies requirement.

Liberal Studies Example

It has a lot of different categories, each containing a lot of eligible courses from a lot of majors. Finding and listing all of them would be very error-prone and exhausting. Fortunately, Cornell has an online course roster and it provides a JSON API. From the API, we can get a lot of useful metadata. In the following example, we can get the exact the liberal studies categories we want.

Liberal Studies JSON

This is good news, since it means that a lot of requirement encoding can be automated. Unfortunately, it was automated in the wrong way.

Pre-generation of Eligible Courses

CoursePlan is its own product separate from the Cornell course roster. Therefore, we need an async fetch to the Cornell roster API somewhere in the app. Unfortunately, the initial prototype does the check on the frontend, and on every course-requirement pair. This makes the app very laggy, and, if the product were to be launched, liable for DDoS attack on the Cornell roster API.

This is clearly an antipattern. But how do we solve it? It's easy to say let's throw this entire code away and rewrite it with a better alternative. However, this is not possible for a product that's planning to launch soon. Therefore, a more incremental approach is needed.

It's important to look back at the abstract picture and see what's happening and what we really need. For each course c, we need to check whether it helps fulfill requirement r. What's happening is that we make a fetch requirement to the API for that course-requirement pair. However, let's be reminded of the fact that the roster JSON data is the same for every class, so we only need to fetch the data once for every class, regardless of how many requirements it's matched to. Thus, we just derived a first optimization that reduces the number of IO significantly.

Motivation of pre-generation

Can we do better? It turns out that we can. What if we pre-fetch all the course roster data, and bundle it into a single file at compile time? Then we only need to make one request, and the request does not need to hit the Cornell API, and can be properly CDN-cached. Sadly, if we go with this approach, the bundled file is way too big: more than 100MB. Even with fast Internet nowadays, the JSON will still take a lot of time to load and parse.

At this point, you might give up on doing requirement checking entirely on the frontend, and move the computation to the backend, where loading a 100MB static JSON is a trivial workload. However, this will make the requirement checking flow inherently laggy on the frontend due to the unavoidable async-ness.

Let's not get trapped by the problem we are facing with the specifics of certain approaches, but instead, ask ourselves what we really want. We need to know whether a course satisfies a requirement, but we don't really care when the check happens.

In the previously mentioned approach, the validation happens at runtime, which forces it to be dependent on the Cornell roster API. What if it happens at the build time? This is the question that leads to the right answer: we can pre-generate a list of satisfying courses at build time by matching all courses versus all requirements. The following diagram illustrates the idea:

Pre-generation end result

Indeed, this is an expensive O(mn) operation, but the end-users won't feel it. In reality, this is reasonably fast. It takes at most 5 seconds on my laptop, which includes the compilation time of the generator source code from TypeScript to runnable JavaScript. The resulting requirement to courses mapping is also surprisingly small: only around 800KB, which is even smaller than some of the image assets.

With the new setup, we finally removed the biggest concern of the launch. However, as we are encoding more major requirement data, we found some limitations of the current algorithm.

Double Counting

If all we have to do is to match courses to requirements, the problem would be a simple matching problem where you just throw things into appropriate buckets based on the bucket description. However, almost for all colleges, there was an almost universal rule applied to most requirements that a course cannot be double-counted for two requirements.

The Requirement Graph

Before we tackle the double-counting issue, we need to first detect them. Intuitively, if a course is matched to both requirement A and requirement B, then the course is being double-counted.

However, this is not straightforward under the previously mentioned architecture, where we simply match courses to requirements. In other words, the old architecture sees the problem from the perspective of each requirement. To detect double counting, we need to see the problem from the perspective of each course. Therefore, we need some sort of bidirectional mapping between requirements and courses.

  "req1": ["course1", "course2"],
  "req2": ["course2"],
  "course1": ["req1"],
  "course2": ["req1", "req2"]

You might think of this as some sort of data structure optimization for faster lookup, which is usual for typical LeetCode problems. However, if your knowledge of CS fundamentals has not completely vanished yet, you might recall there is a more general concept behind this. The arbitrary mapping might remind you of the graph data structure. More specifically, it should be a bidirectional graph, with requirements on one side and courses on the other side.

Requirement Graph Visualization

Once the idea of graphs surfaced, it becomes clear that this is the only elegant and powerful representation of the problem space: there can be arbitrary connections between any requirement node and course node, and it is our job to compute a set of correct edges.

The issue of double-counting also becomes trivial to detect in the graph: for each course node, check the number of connections. At a recap, here is the entire progress from pre-computation to the requirement graph:

Requirement Graph Flow

Representing User Choices

The double-counting problem also fundamentally changes the way we think about the purpose of our product. Before we tackle the double-counting problem, the core user flow is very simple: we provide users with some ways to put in their courses, and then we compute requirement fulfillment for them.

function computeRequirementProgress(
  requirements: readonly Requirement[],
  courses: readonly Course[],
): Progress;

With double counting, we are suddenly facing a lot of potential choices:

  1. Do nothing;
  2. Warn users about double-counting;
  3. Allow users to make only legal choices to prevent double counting;
  4. Use the network-flow algorithm to make legal choices for users that result in the best requirement fulfillment progress;

It is not immediately clear what is the best choice. The 1st choice is certainly not a good idea, since then it would an overkill to even use a requirement graph. The 4th choice looks very fancy, but it can also be very confusing. The network-flow algorithm is a discrete one. It doesn't guarantee any continuity that users might expect. For example, it is entirely possible that adding a new course could remove a course to requirement connection, because it can help to fulfill two more requirements. This "irratic" behavior can be very confusing for users.

A confusing example using network-flow

(This is possible and legal since some requirements explicitly allow double counting.)

In the end, we decided to be conservative, so that we don't over-approximate our users' real progress. This left us with only option 2 and 3. We chose to be safe initially and went with option 3. The enforcement is actually very straightforward: for each course added by the user, we map it to zero or one requirement. This choice is recorded during the course adding time in a modal.

Add Course Modal

User Confusion

The mechanism described above indeed gives us the full power to let the users add courses and inform us about their choices accurately. It seems that we completely solved the problem with a beautiful abstraction. However, beauty exists only in theory.

In practice, a lot of users don't even know they are making choices: when they are mass adding courses during onboarding time, they ignore everything in the modal, go with the default choice, and later complain in the bug report that the requirements are not fulfilled in the way they think should be fulfilled.

While it's partially the user's fault for not reading the instructions carefully, the flow of our app also needs to share the blame. Why must users make a choice whenever they add a course? Why can't we let them add courses and fix those double-counting issues later? In this way, maybe they have more context on why there needs to be a choice in the first place, and what's the best way to choose to maximize their requirement progress.

On the engineering side (aka requirement graph), this means what do we want to reason about in order to ensure that there is no double-counting: which edge to add or which edge to remove.

Difference between the old and new flow

In the above example, this might look straightforward. By definition, we can have at most one edge from each course to prevent double counting. However, what if a requirement allows double counting, and what if a requirement, in general, allows double-counting, but prohibits double counting only between another specific requirement? As we face more and more of these additional constraints, preventing double-counting upfront no longer scales. Instead, it is much easier to first let the problem appear and detect them.

You might ask: what if we do that under the hood in the program, and then inform the users of the end result. This sounds good in theory as you try to do the heavy computation on our side and leave the user only with a simplified view, it still inevitability leaks the implementation detail in the form of user confusion: why there is an error telling me I cannot add the course in this way? In order for the users to answer this kind of question, they still have to do the exact same reasoning.

Therefore, we had to give up full enforcement of the no double-counting policy. Instead, we had to allow them, detect them, and let the user fix them under our guidance. This is what I came up with during the initial sketch:

Constraint violations

If One Graph Is Not Enough, Let's Have Two of Them

We now knew what's the "correct" user flow, and what we should do to best approach the problem technically, we still face heavy designer pushback on the loss of no double-counting guarantee.

The designers and the PM worry that careless users would ignore all the warnings, so they propose that all the edges that might cause double-counting will not be added until the double-counting issues are fixed. It seems to be a good enough compromise, but I still don't really like it on the technical ground: it seems to introduce a discrepancy between the technical level and the user interface level:

  • At the technical level, we have a graph that has all double-counting issues;
  • At the UI level, we present a slightly modified progress that has no double counting issues.

Therefore, we have two closely connected datasets that are still visibly different. The complexity might still leak into the UX without us realizing it.

Eventually, I came up with another compromise that tried to salvage my original plan of fully allowing double counting: we compute two requirement graphs: one with all the double-counting issues intact, and one that removes all edges that have double-counting issues.

Two requirement graphs algo

It looks like a clever hack at first to make things easier to reason, but it turns out to be a critical enhancement to the abstraction that unlocks a feature we never thought about before: two progress bars. The first graph with double-counting issues represents the dangerous or optimistic progress bar, while the second represents a safe and conservative one.

Both progress bars are meaningful for the users: the optimistic one tells the users what their courses can help them fulfill at the best so they can better plan, while the second one gives them a reality check. The diff between the two graphs exactly represents the problem the user needs to fix.

The annotated screenshot below shows my experimental implementation.

Two requirement prototype

After the great experiment, I graduated.

graduated sam


This blog post makes no attempt to describe the full technical complexities. There are a lot of difficult problems not covered in this post, including but not limited to:

  • AP/IB credits
  • Cross-listed courses
  • Requirements we cannot accurately model yet

To develop a better understanding of the topic, you can also read some RFCs I made:

After you read some of these RFCs, you might finally understand why figures in this blog post have so many inconsistent styles. Because I am too lazy to remake them so I copied them from everywhere.

Final Remarks

CoursePlan is definitely the most unique development experience I had so far. It is even hard to categorize it. In most of the industry work, it is the designs and business needs that guide the development. There are also a lot of open source projects that are developer-focused and solely guided by development needs.

It is hard to fit my CoursePlan experience into either of two buckets. Surprisingly, as our algorithm and abstraction evolve, the development seems to guide designs: the algorithm informs the designers what information needed to be collected from the user in order to produce an accurate requirement graph.

Nevertheless, the developers are also constrained by external forces we cannot control. One of these forces is of course the end-user: when they ignore our instructions, we have to change the design and the user flow to make them more aware. The other force is Cornell, which uses imprecise natural language to describe the graduation requirements that are often vague, inconsistent across majors and colleges, and fundamentally not designed for automated checking. It's almost like fighting against the halting problem with static analysis. Yet, we succeeded in accurately modeling or at least approximating most of the popular majors.

Over the first half-year unofficially on the team and one and a half year officially on the team, I came to realize that the great user experience enhancements do not come from a bunch of carefully crafted if-else, but instead through very few more powerful general-purpose abstractions that let us see through the problem on a higher level.

Now that I have graduated and further contribution is unlikely, but I think this blog post would serve as a helpful final goodbye.